Hello there! I recently update our Fleet Community...
# fleet
Hello there! I recently update our Fleet Community to 4.31.0 version. Used binary from here https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/releases Now I see really strange thing. It looks like there is no more “Advanced” button on Schedule page to create packs and customise query scheduling. Is it correct behaviour? I added screenshot with our Fleet Sandbox page, it has such button. But I also added screenshot from my own test Fleet, and there is no such button on Schedule page. Please, help me to clarify this moment.
Is’s interesting, that my previous packs and scheduled queries are still active, but now I can’t see or edit them, and I also can’t create new packs with custom schedule and target host labels.
One more funny thing, I can open the packs page if I explicitly go to
location in URL, but I still don’t see a button
Yes, this is how it works currently. Your install is working as expected. Packs are still there, but not linked in the UI.
@John Speno hello! Thank you for the answer! Could you please give any details about this update? To be honest, I did not find these changes in the changelog, or I was inattentive. Are you planning on ditching packs in the future? Or will they live simply without being tied to the UI?
I'm just a user like you. I don't represent Fleet.
@John Speno oh sorry 🙂
No worries, mate. We're both in the same boat.
Hello @Artem - Fleet has been planning to deprecate the feature of Packs. A date has not been set for this yet, but it will be coming in the future. You can see the release notes here: https://fleetdm.com/releases/fleet-4.27.0 "*A note about osquery packs* Packs are a function of osquery that provide a portable format to import /export queries in and out of platforms like Fleet. These osquery packs still exist, but have been removed from the Fleet UI. Access via API is still available for backwards compatibility. Within Fleet we've introduced the concept of teams in Fleet premium to target specific groups of hosts, but you can also still use scheduled queries in Fleet free (works like packs) to target all your hosts."
@Zay Hanlon Hello! Got it, thank you for the answer! It’s sad that you’re planning to remove the custom pack functionality along with the flexibility to select resources by label and set custom schedule. After all, in the end, the global schedule is also a pack, just with a predefined choice of hosts (screenshot). I haven’t tried Fleet’s MDM functionality yet, but I think you’re making a great product, it’s just a little unfortunate that you decided to start limiting the community version. Although I understand that the developers put a lot of effort and time into the fleet, and they want it to justify these investments. Perhaps I wrote something incorrectly, if so, please correct me please.
personally I'd be pretty unhappy if Fleet deprecated & removed an existing, standardised osquery configuration feature (not to mention the primary way to interop with the wider osquery community) in favour of a premium-only feature that does roughly the same thing.
Hi @Artem and @chrismsnz Thank you so much for the feedback. I do understand that you've found value in packs, and I've passed your comments to our product teams as well. I'll share that we are not keeping packs in the premium editions either, so it's not an EOL to the community version alone. However, you're right that our recommended method going forward for targeting groups of hosts is Teams. Teams is manageable by YAML config and has exciting big features upcoming (follow the issue here). As we continue to release enhancements to Fleet, we also need to be cognizant of development surface area, which unfortunately means some features will be EOL. There is going to be some time before this change is made, so I hope you'll be able to find other ways to address your custom schedules.