Hello All, running attempting to setup fleet on Ub...
# fleet
Hello All, running attempting to setup fleet on Ubuntu using this artricle https://holdmybeersecurity.com/2021/01/07/getting-started-with-fleetdm-v3-6-0/ - When I run /usr/local/bin/fleet prepare db --config /etc/fleetdm/fleetdm.yml in step 19 under manual install of FleetDM 3.6.0 on Ubuntu -> Install.Setup FleetDM 3.6.0, I get No help topic for ‘prepare’ Is there another command I need to Init FleetDM database?
You should really use the latest version of Fleet (4.18) - that version and documentation is very old.
Hey thanks for the quick response, I substituted for the version you mentioned. I see the Fleet documentation has the same fleet prep command -> example on the page /usr/bin/fleet prepare db \ --mysql_address= \ --mysql_database=fleet \ --mysql_username=root \ --mysql_password=toor?Fl33t ---- Didn’t see ‘prepare’ in the fleet help also
Plus one on using the up to date version :) Any chance you grabbed the
package rather than Fleet? If
is showing in the help dialogue, that's what's up.
Yep see it, I believe I grabbed it from this path https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/releases/download/fleet-v4.18.0/fleetctl_v4.18.0_linux.zip which I see that it is the ctl 😅
There are a lot of links there :)
You'll likely want that anyway, so a rename and downloading Fleet should get you sorted.
Thanks a lot for the help @Kathy Satterlee and @Jason