I’m also trying to set up Fleet with Render with <...
# fleet
I’m also trying to set up Fleet with Render with @Benjamin Edwards article. (Not trying to dunk on you, Mr. Edwards! I appreciate the articles!) When I try to start the web service, I get “NOPERM this user has no permissions to run the ‘cluster’ command or its subcommand” from redis. Apparently Render has restricted the “cluster” command. Is there any workaround?
Ha all good. Are you using the new Render hosted Redis? Or just running redis as a private service?
I’m using the Render hosted redis.
Cool! I haven't tested with that yet as it didn't exist when I wrote the guide.
Did Render create a redis user? You can pass that to Fleet via env variable I believe.
Sorry I was thinking redis password not user..
I don’t see that they give me a password anywhere. And there’s this: https://render.com/docs/redis#restricted-commands
“We have restricted usage to most commands in the admin command group, including: …cluster…”
hmm so its likely running as redis stand-alone, which fleet is compatible with. I wonder why fleet is attempting cluster mode vs standalone
@Martin Angers might have some idea
Hey @Stephen Nelson are you just looking to get a quick test environment set up? Have you tried out
fleetctl preview
? If you want to get Fleet running on Render, I think it might be easiest to use the older style Redis on Render (https://render.com/docs/deploy-redis) which is what was used when we created that blog post.
💯 1
I’m trying to set up fleet to manage a small home office (my parents’ laptops). I’m probably swatting a gnat with a sledgehammer, but it would be really nice to be able to query their systems while their laptops are offline.
I’ll try deploying redis manually and see what happens.
Ah, love it!
Manual deploy seems to get us past the prepare stage. Now it’s announced it’s listening, but isn’t passing health checks or serving html. Still, I think it’s now an application use issue and not a deployment issue.
Never mind, it’s deployed. Thanks!