Hi everyone :wave: I just upgraded from fleet `3.1...
# fleet
Hi everyone 👋 I just upgraded from fleet
, did all the DB migrations and everything is working except in the UI when navigating to the queries page (/queries/manage) I get
500: Oh, something went wrong. Please file an issue if you believe this is a bug.
all the api hits to the server are 200's. I can do everything from the command line without error including
fleetctl get queries --yaml
so this appears to be a UI bug. I'm getting this chrome console error:
Syntax error found near Column Identifier (WHERE Clause)
Copy code
"SyntaxError: Syntax error found near Column Identifier (WHERE Clause)
    at C (<https://fleet.quiq.sh/assets/bundle-81aa769e462f09d14dc5.js:31:485195>)
    at parse (<https://fleet.quiq.sh/assets/bundle-81aa769e462f09d14dc5.js:31:488961>)
    at o (<https://fleet.quiq.sh/assets/bundle-81aa769e462f09d14dc5.js:31:413777>)
    at <https://fleet.quiq.sh/assets/bundle-81aa769e462f09d14dc5.js:40:868794>
    at Bm (<https://fleet.quiq.sh/assets/bundle-81aa769e462f09d14dc5.js:40:868880>)
    at sg (<https://fleet.quiq.sh/assets/bundle-81aa769e462f09d14dc5.js:40:876544>)
    at <https://fleet.quiq.sh/assets/bundle-81aa769e462f09d14dc5.js:40:877013>
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at <https://fleet.quiq.sh/assets/bundle-81aa769e462f09d14dc5.js:40:877006>
    at Object.po [as useMemo] (<https://fleet.quiq.sh/assets/bundle-81aa769e462f09d14dc5.js:48:61567>)"
happy to gather more information if that's helpful or I can file a github issue
Looks like that error is coming from this js module: https://www.npmjs.com/package/sqlite-parser
Let me know if you have any ideas, or a way to see which of my queries it doesn't like.
Not sure if it's the same issue but we recently ran into this as well and it was because one of our queries had a syntax error. This was gracefully handled in the past but with the latest version of fleet results in a 5xx. We also found that fleetctl will let you add a query with invalid syntax which then makes the UI fail. We removed the broken query from the queries table in the DB
ty 2
we have 300 queries any good way to narrow it down?
hi ryan! sorry to hear you're having an issue with fleet. We are going to be looking into it
Sounds great, thanks @Tomas Touceda! Let me know if you need any other information from me.
👍 1
@Stephan M Thanks for letting us know! I will look into this.