Hi everyone! Can someone help me please? I am doin...
# general
Hi everyone! Can someone help me please? I am doing some tests with Osquery on Windows 10 with some queries I tried to write by myself. These queries work alone when I use them with osqueryi, and also if I put them in the osquery.conf file in "schedule" section and the run osqueryd. The problem appears when I try to put in the schedule section more than one of them, like for example 10 queries. In this case when i run the daemon I cannot see any log in the results. If someone can help me, thanks a lot.
Hey @Federico Talentino are the schedule keys unique?
Hi @koo ! Yes, the schedule keys are already different 😞
try running
osqueryd --verbose
, you might get some clues there
Great point @Dhruv Rathod
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