:wave: Hi everyone! , I am just exploring this pro...
# general
👋 Hi everyone! , I am just exploring this product looks promising to us , before going on a poc we just wanted to know the pricing model for OS query
osquery itself is free and opensource; if you want a fleet manager, there are several vendors in here and some of them are either completely free or have free plans: #fleet #kolide #osctrl I'm sure I have missed some, feel free to add more!
As Alessandro says, osquery is open source. It is an agent designed to collect data. But if you want to coordination multiple osquery installs, you need additional software. There have been open source tools in this space, but I’m not up on them today. My employer (Kolide) has a reasonable overview of the system architecture and build vs buy approach. https://www.kolide.com/blog/buying-kolide-vs-building-your-own-osquery-solution
Zercurity too 👍
^ additional channels #zercurity
I think we should have a list somewhere in here that can be easly found
I was wondering if there should be a table on the GitHub README.md too?
I agree with a bullet list of the osquery fleet managers (if they use the open source agent we should reward that with a mention in the README)
I've submitted a PR. Might need an additional column for a description?
I think this is a thorny issue. Do we scope it to OSS ones? That feels like we’re rewarding one business model over another. That doesn’t feel right. Do we scope to fleet managers? What about vendors that bury osquery deep in the product. It’s probably reasonable to toss the public vendors in to a list and let people update it. But I also wonder if it really needs a section in the docs. Understanding a vendor requires understanding the architectural space
I was thinking of maybe a welcome message in the Slack for new users; not sure if it is possible
That would help users find the right support channel for what they are using && also discover them if they are not yet using one
welcome messages are a good idea. We probably have a couple mechanisms for that
I do think something on the README or at least to point to a wiki on the available options for fleet managers? Maybe even sections for Open source/ Freemium / Commercial / vendors using Osquery? Its interesting for example that jumpcloud/carbon black/alien vault etc use Osuqery. You may not know you even have it deployed?
I think (but maybe I am misunderstanding) that its function would be more for helping with discoverability and support for people joining the Slack rather than advertisement
Where there is the risk that it could easily become unfair or hard to manage (as others would start adding/removing things in the list)
I think we do have a list of sponsors on the website, for companies who are contributing money and/or infrastructure
I understand. You also don't want to be seen as endorsing things either. However, I still thinks it's useful to see how and who is using it. Mainly for discovery / internal proof that it's being used in production etc.
That said, I will defer the decision to zach && seph as I 100% trust them
Helps get projects off the ground. Hard in larger environments that need the commercial arrangements around open source
defer? maybe "delegate"? i need an english dictionary 😄