Hi fleet team, does fleet support query running on...
# fleet
Hi fleet team, does fleet support query running on a given ip list?
You can use a host's IP address as a filter in the target picker. If you could give an example scenario, that would be helpful for giving you the best advice!
if i have a ip list like ipa, ipb, ipc
you mean i need pick each of them in UI one by one?
Would this be a group that you’d want to query together frequently, or as a one off? Is this a live query, or something you’d want to schedule? Where are those IP addresses coming from? Would you want to do this through the UI, the API, or fleetctl?
they could be very random query running
and i dont want to schedule it
ui api fleetctl, i think all of them work for me.
any suggestions? @Kathy Satterlee
I'll respond as soon as I can :) This is primarily a community-based forum and, while I do try to be as helpful as I can, I'm not always able to respond immediately.
What I'd likely do in this case is set up a script that would use the REST API to: 1. Create the query https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/rest-api#create-query and save the query ID 2. Loop over the list of IP addresses and fetch the host using the IP as
to build an array of host IDs: https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/rest-api#list-hosts 3. Run the live query using the IDs collected in 1 and 2 https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/rest-api#run-live-query 4. (optionally) Delete the query https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/rest-api#delete-query
At least if this was something I was likely to have to do often enough to make selecting the hosts one by one in the UI inefficient.
do i need any certificate when icall this api?
You'd need to include an authorization header with a valid token.
so i just need to put the api token in the header when calling every api of fleet, right?
Correct. Anything but
uses that token to authenticate.