<@U91N0CA2H> Will Facebook continue to cut release...
# general
@fmanco Will Facebook continue to cut releases as a function of when it deploys a new version osquery to its production systems? Or will you guys start deploying versions of osquery that aren't necessarily tied to the same releases available to the community?
Internally we are moving to a CI/CD model and focusing a lot on improving testing. This will allow us to keep the master branch much more stable and in the event something is broken identifying and fixing the problem earlier. So releases will be tied much more to new features than to stability.
Will the burden of testing increase for incoming PRs that introduce new virtual tables from the community?
Not sure I follow? Why would that happen?
Well I've written 4 or 5 virtual tables but was not required to submit unit or integration tests for them. Since CI/CD will have a greater focus, I would imagine that it would be unacceptable to submit a virtual table without testing.
Ah, got it. Yes we'll be more strict about requiring test. The bare minimum will be an integration test as we currently have for some tables at