Dumb question - I'm on an M1 mac -- building the `...
# fleet
Dumb question - I'm on an M1 mac -- building the
seem fine with docker, but building the
fails. I assume I need an intel mac or a PC for this. I switched over to a PC VM running somewhere else (x86) - but it seemed to require Docker there too - is that a hard requirement, or can I just have Wix installed?
I believe folks on our team have been using M1 macs to build Windows packages. What error do you see when trying this?
ok thanks @zwass - that was my recollection too, but I was thinking maybe I was wrong. Here's the message I get
Copy code
Windows Installer XML Toolset Toolset Harvester version
Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.

	Native Crash Reporting
Got a UNKNOWN while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

	Managed Stacktrace:
wine client error:2a: write: Bad file descriptor
Error: package root files: heat failed: exit status 1
Checking in with the team to confirm that it's been done. As of now you do need Docker even on Windows.
got it! Thanks! Yeah if you can let me know if I can build on an M1 that would be great and easy.
Hey @Jason. I was just doing some testing with builds on the m1 and I have both been successful and encountered that exact same error when attempting to generate an msi. I'm going to investigate what is happening and hopefully have a solution for you momentarily.
We have some internal IP conflicts with the default docker network range -- and I could work around it... but that was more work than I really budgeted for building an MSI
oh wow - thanks @Reed Haynes
@Jason So, after a bit more testing I don't have a great answer at the moment. Running the same command, to generate an msi, multiple times is providing different results, some failing, some successful. I'm going to open up a ticket so we can investigate this further but unfortunately for now the only things I can suggest is to retry the command a few times or to generate the msi on another machine. I'll link to the ticket here momentarily and if I get any more immediate news I'll drop it in this thread as well.
That is odd. Thanks !
You are welcome and yes it's very odd indeed! Here is the ticket where more info should be added as we are able to dive deeper. https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/5713