Another Orbit question. If there is an existing Or...
# fleet
Another Orbit question. If there is an existing Orbit installation on Mac / Linux and it's upgraded to .11 - does it migrate the installation to /opt - or keep it in place. The github issue seemed to indicate it would keep it in place but I wanted to double check (for the record, I wouldn't mind migrating to /opt)
Correct, we opted to keep existing installations in /var/lib to minimize risk and to be less "magical". If you want to move to /opt, you can uninstall it, generate a new package, and install it again.
👍 1
perfect answer - thank you.
👍 1
One follow up @Michal Nicpon - if I uninstall orbit and re-install from the newest package, will the host show up twice in my console - in other words, does it register the host again as a new one, or will it continue to be attached to the same FleetDM host record?
It will show up as a new host. You can enable host expiry so that old hosts are cleaned up after a certain period of time. Is that an issue?
Nope, that's what I was thinking would need to happen. I can temporarily set the host expiry very low (5 days) or something like that. Thanks!!