I assume that the package is built from source and...
# macos
I assume that the package is built from source and therefore not signed with your entitlement to EndpointSecurity that you’ve been granted by Apple is that correct?
This would be a question for #fleet, although it’s described in their readme https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/tree/main/orbit
I’m not sure how they fully handle things but I would say that if they are re-doing packages, those definitely need to be signed and notarized.
Which is needed to have endpoint security
Thanks yea they mention the ability for me to sign and notirize but I wasn't sure if that's just for the installer and the binary istelf is already signed or what? I am unfamiliar with how that process works
The signing process involves the pkg installer and everything inside it, so there is signing at both layers of the package. I guess what Fleet allows here is best asked in #fleet