Is there a way to aggregate or pull the informatio...
# fleet
Is there a way to aggregate or pull the information from the vulnerability reports from Fleet itself?
Hey Ben! So sorry for the delay. In short, aggregating surfaced vulnerabilities is on our road map in the coming months. We would love any input on how users like you would prefer this data; feel free to file a feature request with any thoughts! 🙏🏽
Thank you for the reply Rachel! I’ll take a look. I was also interested in how to get/use the aggregated users and Applications. Are those on the roadmap yet?
Those are also great ideas! I know vulnerabilities is on our priority list but it sounds like Fleet users would benefit from the option of data aggregation of anything presented on the host details page. I'll go ahead and file an issue so the team can have a thorough discussion. Thanks again!
👍 1
Thank you Rachel!
💯 1