Hello team! I deployed a new instance of Fleet dir...
# fleet
Hello team! I deployed a new instance of Fleet directly in version 4.x and I'm running into a bug when I try to run a live query: The query never returns an answer, even with the hosts online and accessible. Observing the requests made by the browser, I came across a POST that ends up receiving a 404. I believe he is responsible for the query never returning any result. What do you think? Any information you need, you can ask in the thread below
Hi Saulo! Is there something in your deployment that may be blocking websockets? Live queries often have issues if websockets are blocked.
Hello @Sarah Gillespie, good question! This deploy runs in a Kubernetes environment, I'll look into the cluster configs to see if there's anything about websockets. Thank you for the insight!
Just an update, the problem was in fact a websocket block. It was fixed and everything is fine now. Thanks again @Sarah Gillespie :D