Hello there. I just upgraded my instance of fleet ...
# fleet
Hello there. I just upgraded my instance of fleet from 4.0.1 to 4.1.0. The DB migration ran without any issues and the service started right up. I do see the ability to create users now with properly assigned roles however I was also expecting to see "Settings --> Teams" and do not see that anywhere. What am I missing?
This is running on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS.
it's only for the paid version
👍 1
Aghhaaaa lol
Thanks Jocelyn! FYI Fred, fleetdm.com/get-started has more on what’s in free versus paid, and the FAQ there had more on our commitment to open source, etc. The free version of Fleet will always be enterprise ready, we’ll always ship at least as many free features as paid, nothing free today will become paid, all paid features will still be source-available, all free features will be gratis+libre, etc. My DMs are open (err I guess all of ours are 😆) if you run into questions or if you’d like to try out Teams! (Or if you just want to talk open source business models— it’s been a journey over the last ten years to find something that works, and it’s a subject near and dear to me)