I just played around with orbit briefly - seems ni...
# fleet
I just played around with orbit briefly - seems nice! Very similar to launcher. Is this a fork of launcher, or a ground-up new thing? Also curious if there's a rough ETA on the Windows version/packaging....
I think it’s a new thing. (Though Zach is one of the original authors of Launcher, so it presumably incorporates some similar ideas).
Yep, it's totally new. My intention was to adopt some of the things I felt went well around Launcher and improve or just make different decisions around others. I'll add a note in https://github.com/fleetdm/orbit#how-does-orbit-compare-with-kolide-launcher that it's an entirely new codebase.
Great. Thanks! I assume I can continue to just use launcher for Windows endpoints until Orbit is up and running for Windows
Yep, we have no plans to drop support for Launcher unless some significant changes were made that would make continuing support difficult. I don't think there are any plans for that, @seph?
And yeah Windows is coming in the next few weeks!
can I reuse the launcher docs for creating an update repo ?
Possibly... Though we are using TUF without Notary (for much simpler ops) in Orbit. We are releasing the tooling for managing the update metadata as part of our enterprise offering in the coming days.
ah cool. I can just watch for that. Thanks!!
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There are no immediate plans to change Launcher’s network communication layer
(And given it’s uptake in the OSS world, we’ll tread carefully)
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