Hello! Could you tell me please, is it possible to...
# fleet
Hello! Could you tell me please, is it possible to log the actual time of arrival of the event from the osquery client (not the query time) in Fleet status and result logs? We analyze different cases of receiving events for VPN users, it would be very useful for further debugging. If there is no such functionality, can I put a ticket to the github for its implementation?
the actual time of arrival
Hi @Artem. Do you mean the time the Fleet server receives the data from the osquery client?
@Noah Talerman hello! Yes, exactly.
It’s not possible to log the actual time of arrival of the event from the osquery client in Fleet. One potential workaround is to look into the “Created at” information supplied by your log destination. However, this requires that you’re sending your osquery logs to a destination that has a “Created at” column.
Please feel free to file an issue on GitHub! The Fleet team would like to better understand the issue you’re trying to solve.
@Noah Talerman okay, thank you! Sorry for long delay with answer :(
No worries!