Hey y’all, I am creating a blog post on: - Install...
# fleet
Hey y’all, I am creating a blog post on: • Installing/setting up FleetDM manually on Ubuntu 20.04 • Installing/setting up FleetDM with an Ansible playbook • Installing/setting up FleetDM with Docker-compose v2.x, • Installing/setting up FleetDM with Docker swarm v3.X. • How to manually install Osquery on Windows and Ubuntu • How to install Osquery on endpoints with an Ansible playbook • Section on converting an Osquery query pack to the YAML format to upload to FleetDM with FleetCTL • Section on creating query pack via webgui • Section on running live queries with FleetCTL • Section on running live queries with web gui • Section on the new file carve feature in FleetDM In a thread below, please add any additional items I should cover in my blog post for first time FleetDM users.
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CI/CD for queries
Personally I'd love a deep dive on the options in the
file and the
@Zach Zeid I love the idea about CI/CD but I will probably cover that in a separate post since I don’t know of an easy way to implement that.
It would require some additional research and implementation but I love the idea 🙂
@Zach Zeid attempting to generate a discussion here. Is there something specific about the flags file that the Osquery documentation doesn’t cover?
Or is the fact that as a blog writer I just hand you a flags file without any context as to why i choose the flags I did? If so, I might meet you in the middle and add a comment to each flag option with supporting references linking to Osquery’s documentation
I'm generally a dense person, and it's not really clear to me when something should be in
, and what options are required vs what aren't vs what options selected need other required flags
Ahhhh. Yeah that took me some time to understand as well.
I've generally been told that the docs make sense, but they don't for me, that's my hottake
I think I can providence so on that topic that will help ppl 🙂
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I would be interested in "alerting" strategies based on query packs/snapshots 🙂
@maxwhite can you elaborate/provide an example on what you mean by alerting strategies?
For example, if I want to be alerted when a device is not encrypted (what to look for in the logs, how to send to a SIEM/Lambda?)
But it might be too infrastructure-dependant for a general blog
yeah that would be a more IR focused blog post for me. However, it’s good to know ppl are interested in something like that for a future blog post
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@Zach Zeid per your comment above on when to add a config setting to
I wrote guidance on my latest blog post here: https://holdmybeersecurity.com/2021/01/07/getting-started-with-fleetdm-v3-6-0/
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Checkout it out and let me know if that helps 🙂
@Zach Zeid also per your first comment on CI/CD I am currently working on mocking up a CI/CD pipeline with Gitlab which will turn into a blog post
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Thanks man for the work, I'll check it out! Looking forwarding to the next release 😄