API Documentation Format I noticed you currently ...
# fleet
API Documentation Format I noticed you currently use pure Markdown file for the API documentation, would it be okay to switch to OpenAPI format? There are a couple of reasons I think this would be a good move: • The format is almost a standard and can be parsed by a lot of tools which makes testing, and spinning mock servers much easier. • In case the API documentation will be added to the website or published a more structured format, doing that will be a simpler conversion or running it through a tool. • Easier to contribute to since there are many editors that simplify the process of adding new endpoints and request/response details. Do you think it will be okay if I switched to this format and sent my PR for the rest of the documentation in OpenAPI format?
Hi Ahmed. Thanks for the suggestion as well as the list of benefits in using the OpenAPI format. The format/tool looks powerful. Given that we’re just beginning to expand the API documentation, we’re going to continue using the pure markdown file/formatting.
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Fair enough 👍 I will use that format then for the rest of my documentation contributions.
Great. The documentation contributions are very appreciated. Thank you!
👍 1
It’s my pleasure, I like the project, so contributing to it is the least I can do.
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