Hi everyone. I have a question about fleet option...
# fleet
Hi everyone. I have a question about fleet options. When setting an option in Fleet, does that override the local osquery client option that's set in the flags file? For example, if we have logger_plugin: tls at Fleet, but logger_plugin: tls,filesystem configured on our clients, which one 'wins'?
Well, someone here at my company confirmed that the Fleet settings DO in fact override the local flags. If that's the case, how do we set client OS specific things like if we wanted to add the windows_event logger? Can we make os specific stanzas?
(specifically the
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@zwass @Gavin - do either of you know if the overrides could be done via a label, or at least something more granular than OS? I think it would be very powerful and flexible if we could target smaller groups of hosts, even for testing a change that would be valuable. @Seth Hanford ^^ in case you want to follow this.
Zach is the person to answer sadly.
In my experience, overrides are OS-specific and are an osquery-ism, not a fleet-ism (though Fleet pushes the config). Happy to learn differently tho
thanks guys, fingers crossed.
Overrides are a fleet-ism and don't currently support what you are looking for. The main reason for this is that hosts can be in multiple labels and it's not clear how the configs should be merged. That said, we are aware that folks desire to manage various configs at a finer-grained level than platform and want to find a good way to support this. Is there a specific subset of options you are interested in managing?
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To elaborate, I believe certain configs can merge just fine (eg.
for FIM). Others not so much (eg.
logger_plugin: tls,aws_kinesis
logger_lugin: tls,filesystem
-- should a host get all three? Which one overrides?). One idea is to allow hosts to be assigned to something similar to a label but with only a single assignment per host. Then configs can be targeted to that new label-thing without having to address the merging problem.
right...that makes sense @zwass. Ya, it's logger plugin that we are currently looking to set for windows only. We'll just need another way to test that roll out - in a sep env I'm guessing
The override does let you set it for all windows hosts. Do you need to target only a subset of Windows hosts? You can always push the logger_plugin config via flagfile and not set it in Fleet. Then you can get more granular than the overrides allow (if you have the capability to push different flagfiles to different hosts).
thanks @zwass - we use flag files but they are overridden by Fleet (which i just learned)
Yes, but they won't be overridden if you don't set the value in Fleet.
Or maybe just don't set the value in the
override in the Fleet config.
hmmmm, thinking about that. right....yes, that's a good point. so we could set a logger_plugin= with no value in a windows section, then control it all via flags. would that work?
then we can at least manually test changes locally
we could do this for all our OSs actually since we control our flags file in our config managment
ok, cool. maybe we'll just take the logger plugin out all together and control locally. will have to play around with that. thanks for the suggestion
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Last question @zwass - is there a defined minimum set of config for options.yaml in fleet - settings that absolutely must be set even if there's a local config, or can we actually control basically everything in flags?
i'm thinking just the stuff under the options stanza btw
I can't think of any minimum set. You should be able to leave it empty if you've configured everything else necessary via flagfile or CLI flags.
Then you can just configure packs/queries via Fleet.
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@zwass, a quick follow up on this. We control our config files via puppet / hiera, and I'm struggling to figure out where the settings I see when running `fleetctl get options`are stored so that we can get the file into our hiera. The link sent by Gavin (above) shows them in a config.yml file, but I'm not finding that file on our servers. We do have /etc/fleet/config.yaml, but that file contains things like redis and mysql connection info, not client config options. Similar question for where
fleetctl get config
info is stored since we'd like to put that into hiera also.
@Dan Achin that file that Gavin referenced has a confusing name (which I will fix now). The settings for
fleetctl get options
(osquery options) are stored in the Fleet database. The settings for
fleetctl get config
(Fleet application config) are also stored in the Fleet database.
What many folks do is store those files in version control and then use
fleetctl apply -f
to apply them to Fleet in their CI run.
ok, that makes sense. thanks!
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i thought maybe they were in the DB, but then there was that file...