is there already a roadmap for features to be impl...
# fleet
is there already a roadmap for features to be implemented?
Not yet, and we are interested in what the community and potential customers are looking for. Here are some informal thoughts of things that I believe will benefit folks: - One agent to rule them all. We want to provide (or allow users to build) any security/it/compliance monitoring they need by deploying a single agent (osquery). - Build alerting and enrichment into Fleet so that queries can be defined along with the alerts and enrichment (thinking to evolve the yaml format to support some of these things). - Make it easier to deploy and update osquery, and extensions. - Build a datastore tailored to storing information logged from osquery (not competing with Splunk/ELK for longer term storage, but making the management and querying of "facts" available from osquery more efficient). - Fine grained authorization that allows exposing the capabilities of Fleet to more of the organization without compromising security/stability. - Privacy and user respect is important - Expose a UX for endpoint users to understand how/what data is being collected from their devices. Do these things resonate with you? What are your needs?
🦜 1
those are interesting, I think a very needed feature is about the granular access to the tables, but I am not sure if it is something to implement in osquery directly or in the fleet
configurable via labels (as opposed to platform) would be super neat.
Labels configurable based on enroll secret
Awesome thoughts! Overrides configurable via labels is something the team will discuss further.
Creating labels based on enroll secret is a feature the team would like to add. As mentioned in issue #2290 in kolide/fleet, we’re not able to prioritize this at the moment however, we’d love to review a PR. We’re currently working to move all issues to the new fleetdm/fleet repo so we can continue the discussion there!