Hello, I'm trying to understand how the FIM works ...
# fim
Hello, I'm trying to understand how the FIM works on windows. How works the journal cache on windows? Are the files cached only at the start? Let's say I'm watching
, and no file exists at the moment osquery starts. If I create a file named
and a few minutes later I delete that file, Will I get an event? What if I also watch the folder and the folder exists previously? What if I also watch the folder and the folder does not exists previously?
@yossarian I know it has been a long time but would you recall answers to any of these questions?
the files should not be cached only at the start; the cache is continually updated based on events
i.e. if you monitor a directory and create a new file within it after starting osquery, it should catch it
ty 1
@yossarian thank you!!!
After some tests, I think we have a bug of some kind around this. I've opened an issue: https://github.com/osquery/osquery/issues/7642 If I misunderstood how it should work, feel free to close it directly.