I'm using fleet 3.5.1 and when I run queries that ...
# fleet
I'm using fleet 3.5.1 and when I run queries that are taking time they are sometimes returning at fleet the msg: "no results found", and when run the same query at osquery shell it works just takes time. do you know why is that happening?
Hi, @jimmy! Can you give me an example of a query that's not returning results? Anything interesting in the console or network traffic in the browser or the Fleet logs that might shed some light?
for example: select p.name, pmm.path, pmm.permisions from process_memory_map pmm join processes p on p.pid=pmm.pid where p.name='crhome.exe', and pmm.path like '%dll'
This could be related to permissions issues, or that events are disabled. The best course of action would be to upgrade to the latest version of Fleet and test again.
If the issue is still popping up after upgrade, let me know and we'll dig in to it!