FYI had an employee report thousands of DNS querie...
# kolide
FYI had an employee report thousands of DNS queries from his laptop via Piehole DNS going to, made him suspicious and traced it back to Kolide launcher
Our SaaS is hosted on heroku. So that part seems reasonable.
But thousands sounds excessive. Do you know if these were blocked, and retrying? Or what the time period is?
Time period was yesterday, probably a retry loop
actually he said "At least 2x per minute and pihole was letting them through"
The kolide endpoint agent is configured to request various configuration and live queries fairly often. Depending on various things, this might be as often as 2x minute. I’m not sure how DNS cache, and the pihole all come into play though.
If you had a host configured to send all dns requests to a pihole, I imagine you’d see something like that.
👍 1