Duplicating from <#C0FHNQ2N6|windows> I'm using th...
# kolide
Duplicating from #windows I'm using the kolide launcher for osquery and whenever I install the package onto a Windows host, the application log gets spammed with Event log 1,
caller=level.go:63 level=info caller=log.go:69 component=osquery level=stderr msg="...
messages, has anyone else seen this issue?
Looking into it further, I don't think this is an "issue" I think this is by design, am I able to direct these logs into a custom event log?
That message is truncated, so it’s hard to say what exactly it is.
component=osquery level=stderr
indicates osquery is sending it to stderr.
If you’re using powershell,
Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "launcher" -Newest 30 | select -ExpandProperty message
should give you the full error
Yes I truncated it as there are many different results, some examples:
Copy code
caller=log.go:124 ts=2021-02-18T19:52:20.6552995Z caller=level.go:63 level=info caller=log.go:69 component=osquery level=stderr msg="I0218 19:52:20.655298 23212 distributed.cpp:121] Executing distributed query: kolide_label_query_17: SELECT name, build FROM os_version where build=17763" caller=distributed.cpp:121
Copy code
caller=log.go:124 ts=2021-02-18T20:52:16.9077409Z caller=level.go:63 level=info caller=log.go:69 component=osquery level=stderr msg="I0218 20:52:16.907529 23212 interfaces.cpp:102] Failed to retrieve network statistics for interface 14" caller=interfaces.cpp:102
Copy code
caller=log.go:124 ts=2021-02-18T19:52:10.5230024Z caller=level.go:63 level=info caller=log.go:69 component=osquery level=stderr msg="I0218 19:52:10.523001 23212 distributed.cpp:121] Executing distributed query: kolide_detail_query_uptime: select * from uptime limit 1" caller=distributed.cpp:121
is set for all results but as you can see from above, many of them aren't actual errors
Do you have something running in debug or verbose mode?
Not that I am aware of. I'm pretty much using the defaults from the Kolide package builder exe
Double checking… Yeah, that is coming out osquery’s INFO log. Which I think launcher propagates to windows events. That feels noisy, but I’m not sure what the correct feeling way to suppress it is?
A direct install of osquery comes packaged with a manifest file that allows event logs to be written to
Applications and Services Logs/Facebook/osquery
. Even just to ability to send the logs to a different event view rather than polluting the application log would be a bonus. This also means we can apply a maximum log size.
Launcher does not, at present, log to the local filesystem. Instead it sends all logs to the windows events. Launcher does not expose a lot of knobs about log routing.
(On linux and macOS, launcher logs to stderr, which is collected and managed by systemd and launchd )