Hello ! I have been trying out K2 since this morni...
# kolide
Hello ! I have been trying out K2 since this morning (We are testing before considering to buy) and I was wondering if there is any way to force a checkup on a computer ? I sadly never found the option.
Hi @lpbouchard thanks for trying K2! When a Check produces a failure/alert, you can click that item and select "I've fixed it. Recheck now". With that said, we do not have a user accessible way to manually refresh all the data for a device in Inventory. In general, the data in inventory should refresh every 2 - 3 hours when a device is online. This has been a hot topic recently (2 others have asked for this in the last 72 hours) so we are looking into the best way to provide this functionality. Can you explain what data you were looking to refresh about a device specifically?
I am testing a windows device and the behaviour of K2 if I, example, unencrypt my device
I wanted to force a refresh for K2 to Check my device, that's why i was looking for the option
I see, unfortunately there isn't a way to re-trigger this checks manually (unless you've failed the previously). I 100% agree that feature should exist.
Thank you for your quick answer !