re: 3.0.0 fleet upgrades - I think the upgrade gui...
# kolide
re: 3.0.0 fleet upgrades - I think the upgrade guide maybe should add some warnings about the deadlock issue in general. But also - label yaml spec has changed a bit, but I didn't see anything about it in the upgrade guide.
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applying labels: apply labels received status 500 Unknown Error: invalid LabelType: 1
^ already fixed in my environment, but would be nice to know about this in the upgrade guide, or have fleetctl offer to upgrade between formats.
(seems like maybe a good case for changing
in the yaml specs to
oh and probably the apply labels endpoint should return a 400 Bad Request instead of failing with 500?
Yeah, I will investigate this. We can fix for the next release which will be shortly.
oh and btw - P99 latency has dropped significantly for my deployments since deploying
still haven't done load-testing w/ live queries / the 'additional queries' stuff
but we're very pleased with these changes 🎉
thank you!
Awesome! Really glad to hear it!
If you are able to share (anonymously or not) some stats about the hardware you are using and load it is supporting once everything has been tested and stabilized that would be super helpful. Folks often ask for hardware requirements and I'd love to document some real world deployments.
Will be a while before I can carve out time from planned work to do that, but probably can share some of that data.
I'll have to check with some folks here first though
Thank you!
@nyanshak can you provide the yaml you used that caused this error? I'm not immediately able to reproduce.
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apiVersion: v1
kind: label
name: CentOS Linux
description: All CentOS hosts
query: SELECT 1 FROM os_version WHERE platform = 'centos' OR name LIKE '%centos%';
label_type: 1
^ I think that should do it
as an example
Not sure if you'll hit the same thing with
label_type: 1
, but you could try as well 🤷
Is this yaml that was returned to you by
fleetctl get label foobar
Not sure, been a pretty long time since I initially set up the labels.
but it might be? 🤷
I don't think we changed anything with
in 3.0 so this might be an old issue.
But I'll dig
label_type is now "builtin" or "regular" I think
which may have changed in 2.6.0 or something, I'm not sure
instead of 0 / 1
I modified your yaml to
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apiVersion: v1
kind: label
  name: CentOS Linux
  description: All CentOS hosts
  query: SELECT 1 FROM os_version WHERE platform = 'centos' OR name LIKE '%centos%';
  label_type: 1
and I get
unmarshaling label spec: error unmarshaling JSON: invalid LabelType: 1
I wonder how yours actually hit the server? Possible you were using an older version of
ah yeah, probably was using 2.5.0 fleetctl
👍 1