I found this doc: <https://github.com/kolide/fleet...
# kolide
Thousands, but it all depends on your configuration, scheduled queries, etc.
Is there a way to have master/replica setup for fleet? I need to use it to manage 100k+ hosts
Oh I see, multiple instances of fleet run behind a LB, then clients talk to the LB. In that case, how does the user interact with the UI frontend? Same LB endpoint?
@Erich Stoekl That's currently what I'm doing. I currently have 20k hosts connecting to a GKE hosted fleet deployment and it's running less than optimally, mostly related to the UI, which is currently open as a bug. However, the osquery results are stable (currently using the PubSub output for results) and I'm getting a lot of traffic as I'm using it on Linux servers for FIM.
@cole thanks for the info... very nice. Is there a helm chart for easy deployment of the fleet?
I'm not aware of a Helm chart as of now. Please know that Fleet will fall over with 100k hosts right now but I am in the midst of working on some major refactoring that should scale it above that number.
Thanks @zwass. Do you mean a single box running fleet will fall over in that case? Or a cluster of fleet machines (all connected to the same mysql db) will not be able to handle 100k hosts?
The latter. The problems are well known and are being addressed now.
Thank you!