Hey <!here>, Fleet 2.4.0 has been released with a ...
# kolide
Hey <!here>, Fleet 2.4.0 has been released with a couple of nice new features. Take a look at the changelog (https://github.com/kolide/fleet/releases/tag/2.4.0) and upgrade when you get the chance. As always, please file issues regarding bugs and feature requests on GitHub, and look to the community for support here in this channel.
🎉 4
👍 10
expiring hosts! yaya
Just a friendly reminder to folks, Zach works independently on Fleet on his own time as part of his Osquery consulting business. If you find the work he does useful, and your company relies on Fleet, you may want to consider sponsoring him on Github. https://github.com/sponsors/zwass. Even better, I know he's always looking to work with folks who need functionality added, especially if that work will benefit the greater community, so please reach out to him if that interests you. (Zach didn't ask me to write this so I hope he's cool with me plugging his sponsor link)
☝️ 3
I echo @terracatta - My company has sponsored a few projects through @zwass and it has been great - highly recommended!
Thank you for chiming in folks! I'm excited about Fleet and working hard to be able to continue independently supporting Fleet and osquery. Always happy to chat and explore how my services can benefit your business.