Hey all, I've just started testing Fleet after if ...
# kolide
Hey all, I've just started testing Fleet after if sadly fell off my radar a while back and I'm not seeing any results appear in the results .log file. I have configured
and the fleet service has created both log files. status.log is populating as expected, but result is empty at the moment. I have set up a query in a pack, which is mapped to a test host. I can happily run ad-hoc queries against the host and see the results in the GUI, so I know the two are talking. Is there anywhere obvious I should be checking in my troubleshooting, please? (appreciate this is pretty vague info!)
Ah! Thanks, checking that now
I just made a little update to that as well: https://github.com/kolide/fleet/pull/2144/files
Ahh, results! So something awry with my original query
Thanks very much @zwass