<@U2VPE4C0M> That’s over a week old. That branch (...
# kolide
@defensivedepth That’s over a week old. That branch (including the fix for that error) merged in https://github.com/kolide/launcher/pull/415 For package-builder, you really want HEAD and not anything in the releases.
👍 1
thanks @seph I will try again later today with HEAD
@seph Build was successful and install on Win10 worked... thanks for your hard work on this!
Did you build one with a service? That’s probably the first not-seph test of it
Yes, and the service install worked just fine
Awesome! The code behind it is kinda gnarly
So I’m glad it worked
🎉 1
Will do a bit more testing on it over the next few days
I’m happy to hear feedback. I know it’s still a moving target, but it’s great that it’s working
Assuming that osquery in-place upgrade already works? It was just the packaging into an MSI that was the issue, correct?
that's my assumption, but i haven't tested it at all
👍 1
I am about to dig in and try the same on a Windows box, so I will let you know if I have the same result (assuming I can figure out building it on Windows)
😁 thanks @seph!
one thing i noticed after installing is that the agent partially checked in while showing the service as running but never actually signed up completely. i waited a few minutes and restarted the service and it completed the signup
not sure if it's a race condition when starting the service initially after install but it's launching properly on reboot and connecting.
these were my arguments if useful:
Copy code
.\build\package-builder.exe make --autoupdate --debug --enroll_secret="secret" --identifier=kolide --launcher_version=nightly --osquery_version=stable --targets=windows-service-msi --output_dir=c:\windows\temp\kolide_pkgs\ --hostname=<http://example.com:443|example.com:443>