Hi folks, is there any chance of a 4.8 nuget being...
# windows
Hi folks, is there any chance of a 4.8 nuget being published soon?
I believe we wait on the release being declared stable before publishing to the package repos.
Where does that get documented? The “Official” release on osquery.io is 4.8
@thor - we at a point where we can remove the rest of the scripts within the package and use a basic package for the au-bot on the community repo to update the osquery one leveraging the latest msi? I saw the PR get closed.
Oof, y'all I will get on getting 4.8.0 to chocolatey ASAP, my apologies for letting these things drop. I have the official package and will submit to chocolatey here shortly
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@johnnyramos not entirely sure I follow, what are you asking? I think a lot of the scripting used for package builds likely can be removed, though I'm not entirely sure what folks are using these days. Are you wanting something that periodically is building choco packages? Right now anytime we tag a release I drop the choco packages in the #core channel, and I think they're also uploaded to S3 right alongside the msi
I'd really love to get us to a more automated state of submission for the WIndows binaries to remove myself from the equation though, so if there's things I can be doing to help remove myself from the loop lemme know!
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osquery_utils.ps1 does alot of work to ensure osquery is installed properly. The question was more around how it can be removed in favor of leveraging the msi to install it from the chocolatey package rather than it running scripts and drop the exe down.
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@thor if you have access on osquery/osquery-codesign you might look at what the team is doing to automate the macOS part at least. I don't have access, but maybe opening an issue over there and dropping a list of what needs to get done, can help automate the Windows releases a bit more
@Mike Myers yeah good call, will take a look!
@johnnyramos that's an interesting idea.. So the Chocolatey package would really just wrap around the MSI? That definitely might save us some extra overhead, and might mean more for consistency of installations.
re: the choco package, I just submitted it to Chocolatey, so it should be available sometime todaqy
@thor - believe I sent you the package a while back that just wraps the osquery msi. I'm sure it needs some dusting but it would adhere to the standards of the au bot within the Chocolatey community repo.
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I remember this, I'll try and carve some time to dig this back out and take a look
sigh the osquery package failed validation, something about the iconUrl being invalid. I'll take a look a bit later today, sorry for the delay all
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It's failing because it seems that the
has moved been removed..
Ah it was indeed moved, got it, should have a fix coming soon, I think I can monkey patch the previous release and just get a new version of the chocolatey package for distribution
We don’t use the community feed for this, so just finding out about #core helped unblock me. Perhaps it could be published on the main downloads page instead / as well?
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Yeah that's good feedback, I'm not 100% how to do that right off, but I think it'll just be messing around with the site a bit to add a portion for the choco package
heads up @theopolis, do you know how easy it would be to also expose the choco package on the main downloads page? I think it'll be pretty easy and I'm down to take a crack at building that out
Also just FYI re: this thread, somethings goofy with my local build so I wasn't able to get the fixed up choco package published, I'm working on it now and hoping to get it sorted as quick as possible, thanks y'all for the patience.