Hi, i had a quick questions about Packs, it looks ...
# fleet
Hi, i had a quick questions about Packs, it looks like in version v4.27.0 the pack menu is no longer reachable in the Fleet UI, i do see this ticket about removing packs from the UI https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/8887, but afaik based on the release notes packs werent mentioned as being deprecated or removed and while i can still access packs via the URI its not really the best usability wise
Hi @wkleinhenz, sorry about the confusion there! We are in the process of making improvements to the way queries are grouped. You still have access to all functionality (create, save, and modify packs), you'll just need to use
, or access packs in the UI from the “/packs” endpoint as well.
ok thanks