:wave: In the about section of hosts that check-in...
# fleet
👋 In the about section of hosts that check-in internally to my fleet I see the internal private ip in the public ip field, I would expect this field to be empty rather than have the private ip address in the public after reading
If the IP retrieved using the above heuristic belongs to a private range, then Fleet will ignore it and will not set the "Public IP address" field for the device.
https://fleetdm.com/docs/deploying/configuration#public-i-ps-of-devices is there a setting that would cause a private ip address to be in the public address field?
Hi @Zachary Case! What version of Fleet are you using?
That issue was fixed in v4.28.0, upgrading should fix the issue (those docs were added as part of v4.28.0, we'll make sure to add that there).
Copy code
* Only set public IPs on the host.public_ip field and add documentation on how to properly configure the deployment to ingest correct public IPs from enrolled devices.
From changelog 👆
oh wow that’s very timely for me finally looking into this, thanks I’ll get that updated then 😄
Awesome, let us know if you have any issues with v4.28.0 👍