Hey Fleet fam :slightly_smiling_face: I think Git...
# fleet
Hey Fleet fam 🙂 I think GitHub sends workflow failures to the creator of a workflow. So when this fails I am the one getting the email from github: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/actions/runs/4395663318/workflow Could someone maybe remove it and then add it back as themselves so I don't "own" the notifications anymore? Thanks!
Hey Guillaume 👋 🤗 , I see from https://docs.github.com/en/actions/monitoring-and-troubleshooting-workflows/notifications-for-workflow-runs
Notifications for scheduled workflows are sent to the user who initially created the workflow. If a different user updates the cron syntax in the workflow file, subsequent notifications will be sent to that user instead. If a scheduled workflow is disabled and then re-enabled, notifications will be sent to the user who re-enabled the workflow rather than the user who last modified the cron syntax.
Seems like it might even be simpler than removing + adding back, I will try to get this sorted out today
If a scheduled workflow is disabled and then re-enabled, notifications will be sent to the user who re-enabled the workflow rather than the user who last modified the cron syntax.
we did this, I'll be on the watch to see what happens next time the worker runs
Wow that's crazy that GitHub works that way. I hope the same thing doesn't happen for private repos...
Thanks @roberto !
@zwass I bet it does, however private repos have a setting to only ever send notifications to email addresses on a specific domain, which would probably end up blocking the notification
I see the workflow says that's triggered by Zach now, hopefully you're not getting the notifications anymore, but please reach if you still are!
I have not! Thanks 😄