Hi all, Is there a rough ETA on when fleet 2.1.1 w...
# kolide
Hi all, Is there a rough ETA on when fleet 2.1.1 will get pushed to the binary archive "fleet_latest.zip" ??
It should be available on the releases page on GitHub. Are you downloading the zip from kolide.com?
We ran into a little confusion with this too, I used the instructions here: https://github.com/kolide/fleet/blob/master/docs/infrastructure/updating-fleet.md which reference this link: https://dl.kolide.co/bin/fleet_latest.zip, but that doesn't contain the latest release (at least it didn't earlier this week).
Thanks for linking that. I will update those instructions to point to the GitHub page as I think that’s the most authoritative source.
@seph nevertheless y’all may want to add the new zip to the download bucket.
Want to setup a make target for this? Or possible, we should remove it from the dl bucket and reduce the confusion
Correct I following the instructions on https://kolide.com/fleet/download under download binaries
IMO we ought to just point folks to the Github releases page
zach, let's remove fleet from that bucket then. seems like no advantage and only confusion